Last month I wrote of my search for an icon of Barnabas and of
his example as the prototypical Christian coach. A couple of things have happened since. I found the icon on line (pictured here) and
it is now hanging in my office. I have
also been teaching The Book of Acts on Sunday morning and have been immersed in
texts on Barnabas’ role as a leader in the growth of the early church. I still affirm his empowering role as a coach,
but I have seen another aspect of Barnabas as well.
Barnabas was a missional leader. He was committed to the missio Dei—the mission
of God. The missional church concept is
built on the nature of a missional God, One who sends. God sent the prophets, God sent Jesus Christ,
and God is now sending us. This God has
a people who are living out his mission in the world. Barnabas was one of those people. Although he was not officially an apostle, he
was one of the “sent ones” who furthered God’s mission in the early days of the
We see his missional life style in several situations in the
Book of Acts.
First, Barnabas showed a spirit of generosity by his care
for others in the church at Jerusalem.
He saw possessions not as something to be accumulated but an opportunity
to bless others. Missional Christians
are very conscious of the proper stewardship of those things with which God has
blessed them.
Second, he exercised hospitality even if it involved taking
a risk. When Saul came to Jerusalem and
could not get a meeting with the leaders there, Barnabas took a risk and became
his advocate. In so doing, he was
exercising radical hospitality to a former persecutor of the Way. Missional Christians today are challenged to
open their doors, hearts, and lives to those who are different, even potential antagonists.
Third, he found where God was working and got involved. When he visited the church at Antioch, he
sensed the work of the Holy Spirit there and not only became engaged himself
but sought out Saul to join the community.
Missional Christians are sensitive to where God is working (and God is
working just about everywhere) and invest themselves there.
Fourth, Barnabas was open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit set aside Saul and Barnabas
for what we now call “the first missionary journey” to the Gentiles, there is
no indication of hesitation on his part.
He accepted the opportunity willingly.
Missional Christians today need to recognize the leadership of the
Spirit into new places of service and ministry and respond quickly.
Fifth, he was willing to be creative and innovative in
sharing the Gospel. Barnabas and Saul
worked together to penetrate their culture for Christ. When the leaders of the synagogues rejected
them, they moved on to other venues and new relationships. Missional Christians are willing to adopt new
(and sometimes old) methodologies to reach people for Christ.
Missional Christians today can learn much from the faithful
example of Barnabas as a missional leader.