Usually when the topic of
faith-based coaching comes up, the immediate response is, “Oh, you mean
Christian coaching.” In recent days, I
have started to ask myself, “Is this what it really means for me?” To put this in perspective, let me first share
three observations.
First, I am a person of
faith. I am a follower of Jesus
Christ. Even though I am probably better
at it on some days that others, the relationship is there and the strength of
it is more dependent on God’s grace than my faithfulness.
Second, I am a Christian
who is also a coach (life coach or leadership coach) and that means I want to
be a good coach. Martin Luther said, “The
Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but
by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.” If we do our work well, that in itself is a
witness to what is of value to us.
Whether I am coaching a Christian or a non-Christian, I will seek to do
my best. Whether the topic is spiritual
or not, I will help to the client to address it well.
Third, I must make clear that I believe Christians, and
especially Christian leaders, should seek to find common ground with other
faith leaders in their communities.
Whether one is a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh, or a Buddhist,
he or she wants the same things for the family, the children, the neighbor, and
the community—health, education, food, beauty, and safety. These are basic human needs no matter what
one’s belief system happens to be.
Given those observations, is
it possible for us to think about an approach to coaching that is grounded in
faith, no matter what that faith may be?
Is there a distinct way of coaching that will benefit all faith
communities and faith-based organizations? Although rooted in a Christian perspective, I
believe that these principles could apply to any faith community.
- Embraces the potential within each individual to choose, plan, and act.
- Recognizes the value of community for growth and accountability.
- Respects differences of opinion in matters of faith.
- Strives for the common good in society.
- Seeks to understand the dynamics at work in a community.
- Encourages mutual responsibility in planning and implementation.
- Processes past experiences for positive action in the present and future.
- Values the potential for change in individuals and communities.
What do you think? What does “faith-based coaching” mean to you?