Hardly a week goes by without someone posting an article or blog about reaching millennials for the church, even though the real challenge may well be the internet generation, the next wave on the scene. We recognize that younger generations have their own distinctive interests, values, and styles. The face of the young adult population continues to change. Few seem to consider the changing face of senior adults and the impact this has on the church. If you watch television commercials directed to senior adults, you will see that the advertising community is much more savvy about this age group than is the church. They realize that not all senior adults are going to be playing golf or bingo (not that there is anything wrong with that!). In fact, senior adulthood may be both the best of times and the worst of times for those who have lasted that long. Although the traditional retirement age of 65 is no longer sacred, this is s...
Comments from a Christ-follower on things that matter to him