It would be easy to gloss over the real organizational, cultural, and procedural issues that do divide us at this point. Baptists represented at this meeting have some real differences to overcome, and we must be honest about those issues. However, we can continue to seek ways to come together around mission and ministry.
I came out of this meeting with several "feelings" about the future.
First, there are real opportunities for us to partner with "like-minded" Baptists if we are not concerned about uniformity, organizational unity, or who gets the credit. As long as we work to network churches to do Kingdom work, we can accomplish a great deal. We can also really get to know each other as we get our hands dirty in that work.
Second, the future of our mission efforts as Fellowship Baptists lies in cooperation with groups like the ABC and Progressive Baptists. We are stronger together than we are individually.
Third, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Finding ways to work together can be a positive witness to the world that laughs at Baptist "cooperation" because of our fragmentation and combative history.
Fourth, Baptists are better than we have allowed ourselves to think that we are. Since we (moderate Baptists) have become a minority movement, many Baptists in the south have developed a negative self-image. We can no longer claim to being part of the "God's last and only hope" to win the world for Christ. Many of us have learned humility, now we must learn how to use that humility to be true servants in the Kingdom.
Fifth, it is time for us to take some risks. We don't have a great deal to lose. Let's open the doors and make some new friends.
Friday night was a step in the right direction. Let's not falter now!
There is some talk about what the future of these minority Baptist groups will be, and what possible cooperation lies ahead. The ABC has real problems, and I will be interested to see how these are handled. Financial difficulties impact both ABC and CBF ministries.
The Friday gathering was meaningful, particularly the music. The evening may have been a preview of what to expect in Atlanta next year. I don't know what to make of a one time meeting in Washington D.C. between these two Baptist groups, but it will be interesting to find out.
Great thoughts!