lawyer who volunteers with the domestic violence center;
former heart patient who spends time each week visiting heart patients and
sharing insights about how to live with their disease;
busy mother who tutors at-risk children;
business person who finds himself the “chaplain” in his workplace.
In Missional Renaissance,
Ministry takes place in many contexts—community service, the workplace, the home, the coffee shop. The challenge for the church is to give members the permission to seek out and pursue their ministries in the world. We value what people do within the walls of the church through recognition, training, and encouragement, but we fail to do that for those who are doing Kingdom work outside the walls. The traditional church needs to find ways to bless and equip the daily ministries of our members.
The People Development Team in our church believes that God is always at work in the world and invites us to join in that activity. We want to help church members become what God has called them to be (self-awareness) and develop strategies to live that out (through skill development and personal growth development). Our theme verse is “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b, NASB)
of the ways that we can learn more about how our church members are living out
their witness each day and how we can help them in those efforts is the “Real
Talk” session. We picked up the core of
this idea from McNeal’s book. During
this 45-60 minute session, a member of our team meets with a group in our
church (such as a Sunday school class) and asks members to respond to these
do you enjoy doing?
do you see God at work in your everyday life?
would you like to see God do in your life over the next six to twelve months?
How can the church help?
might God be working through you to serve others? How can the church help? How can we pray for you?
will be asked to respond in writing and to discuss their responses in a small
group setting. Our ultimate goal is to
develop people rather than programs, so we start where the people are rather
than assuming we know what is best for them.
think it is an exciting idea and look forward to what we will learn from those
in our fellowship.