Jeff Slingo , an editor at large for The Chronicle of Higher Education, recently posted a blog about what he learned from a ten day transcontinental train ride with 24 millennial entrepreneurs. In the post, Slingo pushes back against the stereotype of millennials as “ lazy, entitled narcissists who still live with their parents. ” Slingo lists some of the things he learned in dialogue with these young adults. What he discovered has implications for the church, not only in engaging young adults but in embracing a way of doing ministry that will renew the life of the church. First, we should “think and make connections across silos rather than within them.” Young adults have been brought up in educational and recreational venues where they have interacted with people of many races, cultures, and backgrounds. They don’t function well in “silos” cut off from the insights and experiences of others. To reach young adults and to enrich our own ...
Comments from a Christ-follower on things that matter to him