Questions are keys to growth. A coach always thinks about whether he or she is asking good questions. Good questions energize and encourage; poor questions lead to lack of focus and uncertainty. As you begin the New Year, what questions are you asking? We ask questions of ourselves as individuals, setting priorities and goals for the coming year and planning how we will reach them. We do this because we want to be better than we are now. Churches often ask questions about the future as well. Especially at the end of the calendar year, church leaders—both clergy and laity—stop the think about what is happening or failing to happen in the life of congregation. In my experience, however, churches are often asking the wrong questions, questions based on survival rather than mission. In committee meetings and leadership groups, churches will commonly ask questions like: Will we subscribe the budget for next year? Are we spending too muc...
Comments from a Christ-follower on things that matter to him