A great deal is written about Millennials and their expectations of life. This evokes much discussion that ranges from “the sky is falling” view to “who cares?” I don’t believe the end is near, but I also realize that those of us in ministry need to understand the perspectives and inclinations of an emerging generation of leaders. Some of what is written is broad generalizations about Millennials, but those of us who have contact with them on a regular basis know that many of the observations are on target. In a recent article, Ray Williams cited a study by Deloitte titled, “ Mind the Gaps: The 2015 Deloitte Millennial Survey.” The research collected information from more than 7,800 Millennials representing 29 countries. There were some interesting conclusions about what motivates Millennials and what they look for in leaders and at work. Consider these items: First, the study stated that “Millennials believe that business needs to ‘...
Comments from a Christ-follower on things that matter to him