If your church is not interested in reaching young adults, it should be! For many years, campus ministry was the laboratory for the church in reaching young adults. Denominational collegiate ministry was a place of experimentation and innovation in finding new ways to tell the old story. I am not so sure that is true today (but that is a story for another time). From time to time, a new resource surfaces to aid churches and church-related ministries in their outreach to young adults. My friend Dick Olsen of Central Seminary introduced me to a new one recently: Googling God: The Religious Landscape of People in Their 20s and 30s by Mike Hayes ( Paulist Press, 2007). I did a quick survey of the book and have to start with a couple of disclaimers: First, it is written from a Roman Catholic perspective, so the reader will have to work through that and interpret the comments in his or her own context. Second, if Hayes talked about postmodernism, I missed it. He takes a generational cohort...
Comments from a Christ-follower on things that matter to him