Pastor and writer Doug Pagitt has commented, “God is never
finished with creation, and God is never finished with us.” The same is certainly true for the
church. As we reflect on the church, its
beliefs, and its practices over the last two thousand years, the developing and
changing nature of the church is certainly clear.
In his sermon yesterday morning, Mike
Smith, pastor of First Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, pointed out the dynamic,
changing nature of the church. He
explained that a church that is truly alive is always changing and never
achieves a final form. So what does this
mean for us?
First, don’t get too comfortable. Just when we think we have found the best and
most effective way to practice “church,” something will come along to upset the
equilibrium—human need, culture, or new technology. Very often, I will hear people say. “Things
got worse for the church [the Southern Baptist version anyway] when we lost
Discipleship Training (or Training Union or Baptist Young People’s Union).” Of course, they fail to realize that the
church got along without this form of spiritual formation for 1900 years.
Second, don’t hang onto things once their
time is past. Edwards Deming once said
something to the effect that “yesterday’s solution is today’s problem.” Creativity has a short shelf life. Basic concepts may not change but the ways in
which they are implemented do. The best
lesson that a trapeze artist learns is when to let go of one trapeze and grasp
Third, be prepared for conflict and
confusion when things change. One organizational
guru said, “It’s not that people don’t like the change; they just do want to BE
changed.” The discomfort that comes with
changing the way we do things is not welcomed by anyone, but the consequences
can be rewarding. Bringing a new baby
into your home will permanently change your life, but you certainly understand
the long-term rewards that come from this change!
Fourth, listen for the voice of God. Mike Smith said yesterday, “The church is
sustained by the presence and power of God.”
The church is also moved to act by the voice of God. We hear the voice of God in church members
who express unmet need, in the challenges our external community throws our
way, and in the quiet moments at night when we just can’t sleep because some
burden is on our hearts.
God is not finished with the church
yet. I find that rather encouraging.