An article in our local paper this
past Sunday addressed the way that political candidates relate to churches—both
in soliciting votes and to being part of a congregation. One official pointed out that when he was
elected to public office he left a smaller church to attend a large church with
five weekend services and weekend attendance of 7000 to 8000.
He explained that in his new church
he could “blend in and be part of the crowd.”
No one knew him, so there were no “political questions.” He also pointed out the convenience: “There are so many times you can go.”
Whether one is a politician or not,
there is some freedom in simply being a face in the crowd. Having attended a number of large churches, I
can appreciate the anonymity available.
No one asks you about giving money, helping with a committee, or
assisting with the worship. On the other
hand, no one asks how your family is doing, what’s going on at work, or how they
can pray for you.
Of course, one can choose absolute
anonymity by staying home and watching a service on television or over the
internet. This is a necessity for some
due to infirmity or limited mobility, but virtual participation would seem to
fall short of an “in the body” worship experience.
Our local politician seems, like
many, to miss the point of worship. The
writer of Hebrews says, “Let us not give up the habit of
meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all
the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.” (Hebrews 10:25, Good News Translation)
When people don’t know who you are, they have a difficult time
encouraging you, and you can’t encourage them.
We are called to be part of a community of faith, a fellowship of
believers, and this requires some level of participation and accountability. We must know and be known.
Worship itself is more that a passive experience of observing
others perform. Worship calls on us to be involved, to interact with others,
and to come before a Holy God as God’s people.
Can we worship God by ourselves?
Of course, but this is only one aspect of the worship of God.
From my perspective, the heavier my responsibilities are, the
more I need fellowship with the people of God; but, then, I am not a politician.