In the current issue of Congregations magazine, Jeff
Woods suggests some alternative pastoral models. He points out that churches want a called
and equipped pastor, but it is more difficult today to provide the financial
support for such a minister while carrying other institutional expenses. Woods suggests a number of alternatives that
go beyond the typical bi-vocational or bi-ministry (serving two congregations
to make a full-time package) models.
Woods’ comments encourage us to think creatively about
church staffing not only for the pastoral ministry but for other ministries as
well. Several years ago a friend
resigned his church to become an itinerant minister of missions. He long had a passion for involving laity in
the congregations where he served in mission and ministry projects. In his new role, he actually serves about a
dozen congregations in several states as their “minister of missions.” As he comes to understand the unique gifts of
each church, he helps them to identify activities in which they can be
involved. These projects may be
connected to the denomination to which the church belongs or they may be work
with another organization or entity. My
friend is available not only to organize and train but to preach and teach in
order to share a missions vision with the partnering congregations.
Such a model could also work in other areas such as
Christian formation. Perhaps there are
several churches in a city or county that could enter into a partnership and
employ a person as a Christian educator or developer who would work with each
of them to meet their particular needs.
With e-mail, web sites, Facebook, and Twitter, congregants could be in
regular touch with the Christian formation leader. He or she could also visit
each church on a regular basis, lead appropriate training activities, and
suggest the best resources for each church.
Tighter financial budgets encourage us to use our
resources in more effective ways. By
taking advantage of the 21st century communication, a practitioner
can be in touch with those served even when he or she cannot be physically
present and provide materials, training, and information at the touch of a
button. Challenging times open the door
to new approaches.