The system
really did work well. The approach used
by denominations in the mid-20th century facilitated growth,
ministry, attendance, and contributions.
The vertically and horizontally integrated model assured that all of the
denomination’s far-flung ministries would be promoted in Sunday school and
disciple development literature, there would be common standards for all types
of church programming, and all
cooperating churches would be on the same page when it came to denominational
life (at least in theory). Then it fell
Why did it collapse
in on itself? A complete answer would
require an extensive sociological study, but the truth is that the culture
changed on both sides of the coin.
Churches were no longer willing to accept a “one size fits all” approach. Judicatories increasingly saw their role as quality
control, not only in programming but in doctrinal belief as well. The cooperative effort was always a house of
cards, and it began to fall apart. This
was not true just for Baptists, but Lutherans, Presbyterians, and others as
I think we are
now at the point of actually practicing what we as Baptists have always talked
about—congregational autonomy. Each
congregation must be what God has called it to be, not what the judicatory
wants it to be. God has called each congregation in a special way based on its
location, people, resources, and perception of the leading of the Holy
Spirit. Once they have discerned the
call, the church seeks out partners to help accomplish the missio Dei—the mission
of God.
This is a “bottom
up” or grass roots approach that calls for judicatories to serve rather than be
served. Denominations will survive and
prosper only as they provide the resources that congregations require and do so
in a timely and egalitarian manner.
Churches today are not looking for supervisors or quality control
specialists but genuine partners in ministry.