The final step in the CHANGE
process for a church is encouragement. Accountability
structures provide encouragement as we pursue a goal and they keep us on
track. In individual coaching, the coach
is NOT the accountability structure. The
client designs his or her own accountability structures or identifies those
already in place—family, friends, coworkers—who can come alongside and help.
As we work with a church to
change, we can call upon structures already in place or create some to help
move toward the goal.
Some accountability
structures already exist. These may be
staff meetings, leadership teams (elders, session, etc.), or church business
meetings. These provide times to not
only report what is being achieved but to celebrate as well.
For example, when a goal is
developed, steps to achieve that goal are outlined. We might see these not only as steps in a
process but milestones toward achievement.
They can also be the occasion for celebration. We don’t do a very good job of
celebrating. Perhaps we think it is a
bit too worldly but we find many times of celebration in the history of the
people of Israel and in the ministry of Jesus.
As steps are completed toward the goal, celebrate them as a spring board
to the next step of accomplishment.
Another accountability structure
might be a steering team that guides, coordinates, and evaluates the progress toward
the goal. This responsibility may be
delegated to an existing body in the church, but it should include both clergy
and lay leadership as well as those who are directly involved in working toward
the goal. The team’s role is
encouragement not direction.
Reminders are a good
accountability structure. This may be a
timeline in the church narthex, a pictorial representation in a prominent
place, or pictures of a work in progress.
These keep the goal before the congregation and serve as an incentive
for continued action.
In summary, this is a process based on coaching principles that a
church can adopt as it addresses change:
H—Honor the other
A—Ask powerful questions
N—Nurture curiosity and creativity
G—Goal Setting
How would this work in your congregation?